World Down Syndrome Day: Celebration Through Advocacy

The article discusses World Down Syndrome Day, highlighting federal and local advocacy efforts. A mother and daughter lobbied on Capitol Hill for legislative priorities. Local activities included creating self-portraits at an art studio and encountering resistance in schools. The community grows stronger each year, emphasizing the extraordinary nature of children with Down syndrome.

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Always the Love

Three years later, Hope was in preschool for the first time and distributing cards to her new classmates. And with that, the Valentine’s Day cycle began another revolution, passing on from my childhood to hers, the cards and the candy, the hugs and the kisses. One day will come the boys and the roses and the candlelit dinners. And with every beat of her miraculous heart, the love. Always, always, the love.

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‘Tis the Season for Adaptive Fashion! From NYFW to Access Ridgewood this October (Excerpt)

First, I owe you this disclaimer: I don’t know much about fashion. I’m more the Andy than the Emily from The Devil Wears Prada, and most of my socks are from CVS. But over the past 8 years I have been immersed in disability, and what I will say with great confidence is that the world is becoming more accessible one strip of Velcro at a time.

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Easy and Difficult Days with Sensory Processing Disorder

We cannot segregate children like Hope away and pretend that it’s for their own good. We cannot force these children into a mold, but we must instead build a support system around each of their unique shapes. This was always the intention behind governmental disability protections, but our systems are falling far short of what our loved ones deserve.

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