‘Tis the Season for Adaptive Fashion! From NYFW to Access Ridgewood this October (Excerpt)

First, I owe you this disclaimer: I don’t know much about fashion. I’m more the Andy than the Emily from The Devil Wears Prada, and most of my socks are from CVS. But over the past 8 years I have been immersed in disability, and what I will say with great confidence is that the world is becoming more accessible one strip of Velcro at a time.

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A Lucky Life to Live

I’m not going to justify the life of a person with Down syndrome, explaining chromosomes and how they give back to the community, and I promise to never ask you to explain or defend your child’s existence either. All I’m going to ask is for you to consider the possibility that raising a child with a disability is mostly about simply raising a child.

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